bevy_basic_interactionBevy plugin providing abstract interaction functionality Silas2 months
bevy_blacklight_materialMaterial plugin for the Bevy game engine which adds a "blacklight" system Silas2 months
bevy_dirworldBevy engine plugin that manages a filesystem-based virtual world Silas4 days
bevy_dither_post_processPlugin for the Bevy game engine which enables a dither post-process effect Silas2 months
bevy_headless_renderPlugin for the Bevy game engine that enables the creation of a headless renderer...Silas2 months
bevy_outline_post_processPlugin for the Bevy game engine which enables an outline post-process effect Silas2 months
bevy_rustysynthPlugin for the Bevy game engine that adds MIDI file playback support using Rusty...Silas2 months
bevy_terminal_dialogAdditional dialog-related widgets for bevy_terminal_display Silas8 weeks
bevy_terminal_displayPlugin for the Bevy game engine that provides terminal rendering Silas2 months
filetype_fonticonsMap for Nerd Font Icons based on file extensions Silas8 weeks
foruma virtual space to uh, hang around or something Silas7 days
lightstreamer-clientUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Silas
monsmy empire of dirt Silas12 days
occuleSteganographic codecs for various carrier types Silas37 hours
piss-daemonD-Bus daemon that monitors the international space station's piss tank level Silas8 weeks
pomcClient for the pomd pomodoro daemon Silas2 months
pomdPomodoro D-Bus daemon written in Rust Silas2 months
soaos.devpersonal website: Silas2 days